This kickass new country band came sweeping through town this past weekend. The Tecumseh folks hooked us up with free tickets and backstage passes. It was sweet! I don't really dig country, but these guys were pretty damn cool. Here are some pics from their press junket.

From left: pretty boy Trey Dunkin, strong silent type Dale Hatfield, bad boy Clint McCoy, and the "dirty one" Owen McCoy (no relation). This pic is from inside the liner notes of their debt album, Chilli-Vegas.

This is them on the front steps of their swanky ranch house. Don't mind that gross splatter mark, Clint was in one of his moods and caught a raccoon by it's tail and... well, the rest is apparent, I think.

In a move that many believe to be a career blunder, their asian manager, Sum Gai, has them ensorsing "McClacket's Sh*t Barrels." Only time will tell how it affects their careers.

Here is a rare candid moment among the normally stoic crew. It's hard to say what they are laughing at. Rumor has it Trey farted.

This shot is widely believed to be a blatant attempt to connect with the "BrokeBack" demographic.
In case it's not really obvious, I'm Clint.
The album title is an inside joke down here. We are living in Chillicothe, Ohio. We call it Chilli-Vegas because 90% of everything in this place is on one long stretch of road, like the strip in Vegas.
We also joked that the first single off the album would be titled "I'm Trapped on a Mountain With Forty Other Dudes" because that was essentially our living situation.
Joey 08.08.06 - 4:05 pm
Dammit, Joey. Now my hard-core gangsta rap group is going to have to kick your country band's ass...
Josh 08.09.06 - 5:12 pm
I can't believe you lied! Now I'll never believe another blog post ever again!
therealdavid 08.09.06 - 6:33 pm
joey. the hotness contained in these pictures is...i can't even quantify it. also, you don't match. you need a better stylist.
Mollie 08.10.06 - 2:11 am
I hear their first single sucks...
Meg...GASP! 08.10.06 - 2:31 am
Shit barrels? That explains the bow-legged-ness.
Guillermo 08.14.06 - 12:21 am
Tecumseh is a horrible, horrible place where the grass grows slower than the people which is saying a lot.
I would not move there even for a job.
mulk 08.16.06 - 7:08 pm
Joey 08.18.06 - 3:58 pm
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