That's me. Badass injin man. I kill you and rape your women.
Oh and that's my boy Blue there behind me. He and I have the coolest exit I have ever had on any stage ever. I basically tell the whites they are @ssholes and gallop straight offstage. Rock.
More later.
jesus they painted you up to look indian? slamshead, my question is could they not find enough real N.A.?
this angers me for obvious reasons.
mulk 06.13.06 - 4:19 pm
I'm pretty sure that Native Americans are ancient descendants of Italians.
Josh Crohn 06.13.06 - 4:47 pm
Josh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the laugh.
Badass Injin Man, Love the colors of the skin. Very nice. Oh, and you look pretty cool too. So you didn't need to grow your hair after all, huh?
mom 06.13.06 - 10:09 pm
What the hell is going on in these pictures and why are you an indian?
therealdavid 06.14.06 - 10:16 pm
Umm, Joey's in this play. He has to dress up like an Indian for it.
Edward Carter 06.15.06 - 10:25 am
Relax, Mulk. One little thing you need to understand is that theatre casting doesnt operate like film casting. They dont go searching and searching for the perfect fit for each role. They are limited to cast from the pool of those that audition. Not many native american actors auditioned. I asked.
The title character is played by a half Cherokee if that helps you.
Also, actual Shawnee have told me how much they love that their story is being told at all. They don't care that I'm white, so why should you?
About why I am in the paint: You may remember that my story before was that my character was a white adopted into the tribe. Well, last month somebody somewhere who has some kind of fancy pants degree and knows stuff found difinitive evidence that Blue Jacket was NOT Marmaduke Van Sweringen after all. He may have been white, but they know he wasnt the white guy they thought he was. So, our producer decided that for our show I would no longer be white. And all the indian characters where the paint.
Joey 06.16.06 - 12:53 am
Well I can understand mulk's moral outrage. Imagine how he might feel if I, a white a sheet jew were to play an old fashioned mexican bandito.
It just wouldn't work... although it would be funny to see me try. In fact, I think I'll go round up some banditos and steal a bride from San Diego and take her down to Mexico.
Given that I am in Kentucky at the moment, I should just be a simple poor black southerner.
therealdavid 06.17.06 - 2:56 pm
joey will do excellent in hollywood
mulk 06.23.06 - 6:53 pm
You look good. Your appearance is tickling because I know your face, but if I didn't know you I doubt there would be much cognitive dissonance.
Beno 06.23.06 - 9:00 pm
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