Here is my living space. It's approximately 1/3 of what amounts to a modified tool shed. I say approximately 1/3 because I have two roommates in this shed. The corner you see is mine.

Today is our day off. Some of us went off to King's Island for a day of fun and rollercoasters. I opted out on that one. This show is very demanding, so after six days of that topped off with five afternoons of hardcore gym time I am exhausted. I am spending the whole day doing not a godd@mn thing. I sat by the pool and now I'm sitting in a hotel room with a bunch of dudes watching DVD's of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Not a great show, but entertaining.
The show is going great. Last night we played to our biggest house yet, 810 people was the final count. I am told that we will start having bigger and bigger houses over the next week or two. In case I never mentioned it, full capacity is 1800.
Those that have worked with me know that I get hurt often on the stage. I am that guy. So far I have been hurt several times on this one, but for the first time I am not that guy. Just about everyone has been injured at some point or another. In a process like this where you are going for fourteen hour days for eighteen days straight people start getting exhausted and lose focus and when people are performing complicated stunts and fights and riding horses without focus they start to get hurt. My total comes to a wrenched shoulder, three ankle twists, and a blown voice. Besides me, we've had people thrown by horses, people getting beaned in the head during botched fight choreography, sprained ankles and even flesh-wounds that end up needing minor surgeries. So, I come out looking like a champ compared to all that.
In our sh*ts and giggles time we've created this character called The Gay Bully. It's hilarious. I have video clips to share when I get home.
Last but not least, I introduced the magic that is Beer Pong last night. My partner Stevyn (pronounced like seven) and I went completely undefeated on the night. We played eight games straight and I think I might have drank a total of six or seven cups the entire time. After a while I got sick of giving away all my Guiness to the losing teams. I know the incentive to winning is to force the opponents to finish all your cups too, but come on, I wanted to drink some of my beer too. After the first game that left us with all of our cups full (a "No-Drinker" in official terms, and we had two of them) we instituted an optional policy of "recycling" where the winners could let their cups stand for the next game. For the Fourth of July we're planning a tournament and other people are already forming teams, practicing and talking trash to us. Should be fun.
I miss everyone at home so much. I know most of you drop by here, so give me a little shout out. Let me know you're out there.
I'll show you a gay bully Joey. I'm trying to think of something really sassy to say to you right now....I'll think of it....sigh. Oh well. I'm just not sassy enough. Glad to hear you're having a better time than you expected. Your tool shed is about as big as your room at Brian's house!
Ben Siemon 06.18.06 - 10:20 pm
Actually the shed is bigger if you include the shared space in between the beds. I just showed you my own little corner.
If you include the shared space I have like a good three feet on my old room at B's.
Joey 06.21.06 - 1:17 pm
Bought my plane ticket for 9/1. I need to know where I can call to make reservations for hotel. Let me know as soon as you can.
I'm glad you are not getting hurt. That was one of my concerns.
Mom 06.22.06 - 3:36 pm
I quit drinking
mulk 06.23.06 - 7:24 pm
My modified tool shed can kick your modified tool shed's ass.
Beno 06.23.06 - 9:01 pm
...uh, mom, you didn't read that very closely. I AM getting hurt. I'm just not the hurtyest of the bunch. :-)
Joey 06.25.06 - 2:42 pm
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