Wednesday, March 29, 2006

**blink blink**

My good friend, Ed, sent me a forward of some hate mail he had seen recently floating around in cyberspace. I'm guessing he thought this crap was as laughable as I did.

Being surrounded by open-minded liberals in the arts community I sometimes forget that there are people that live on this earth that have their heads JUST that far up their asses.

Honestly, the grammar and spelling errors alone are enough to tell me that this drivel probably came from a red state. I'm guessing it came from the back-country of such a state. A place where computers and email are a fairly recent discovery, because come on! Use the checker tools for the love of Zeus! It takes about a minute. Surely, even the most jet-set, on-the-go hate-monger can spare a minute for eloquence. Right? Not to mention the bold statements he tosses around about the "huge majority of Muslims" that are in glaring contradiction with actual statistics.

Here's a good example: "The huge majority of Muslims have nothing that can be called a civil society, they live under absolute rule, despotism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism etc etc" So... wait... are you saying this so-called huge majority of muslims lives here in the United States? HA! That is just plain untrue! :-)

And this little jewel of a sentence had me laughing out loud. "Muslims kill Muslims and non-Muslims are always the victim." ...WHAT?!?! Anyone who has taken high school geometry knows enough about logic to see the problem there. The thought process of that sentence breaks down like this, I think.

If p implies q then r implies Tang.

Mmmm. Tang.

If this guy's mind was a house there would be a hand-scrawled note on the kitchen counter that reads as follows.

Going on vacation for the next eighty years or so.

Oh, and we're out of milk


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