Wednesday, June 08, 2005

So, my parter in crime on the fairytale has apparently lost interest in the continuing adventures of her princess alter ago. I wish I could say she's just busy, but I've seen her constantly lately, and that is not the case. More later hopefully.

In lighter news (sarcasm), I'm having very little patience with a good friend at the moment. It's one of those misunderstandings where I didn't say what she thought she heard and she wouldn't let me clarify my meaning and instead stormed off after making what seemed like a veiled threat.

At first I cried. I cried a lot. I wouldn't say that I deal with conflict well, but generally speaking I get angry and raise my voice, not sob openly. With this woman it's different. She somehow manages to get under my skin in such a way that whatever defense mechanisms usually kick in (angry yelling for example) just seem to take a short vacation.

After she left I was also worried about our friendship. But the more I thought about it, the less and less I cared. I realized that if this is how she treats me when we disagree then what kind of friendship do we really have? I mean, when I disagree with some guy off the street it may get ugly, especially if he is republican. But if I disagree with a friend I make damn sure we understand each other before we're done. Even if we still disagree I make sure at the very least I understand. That is respectful, and just plain productive. She didn't even try. She knee-jerked and took off. That is a counter-productive and potentially dangerous reaction, and one that won't always be as painless for her or for those around her as this one was.

So, I decided I'm going to get over it and continue business as usual. My inital impulse was to go to her and try to fix it, try to get her to see what I was actually saying. But then it occurs to me that she won't really listen if I go to her. Afterall, I tried once and she flew off the handle. If she had really wanted to listen she would've taken that first opportunity. So I won't bother. If she really wants to know, she will come to me. She'll ask.

We'll see.

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