Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I had my first film "premiere" last night. It was not exactly what I expected. No, scratch that; it was WAY far from what I expected. Now, don't misunderstand. I had no illusions about the importance of this film. I wasn't expecting flash bulbs and red carpet action or anything, but something at least somewhat classy.

At the very least I was thinking maybe a small reception for the cast and crew. Nothing big, but maybe a table of finger foods, and some cheap wine.

What we got was a charity event for which we were pressured to sell tickets at $30 a pop to our friends and family. We were allowed one guest each. My guess is they were so far over budget that they couldn't afford to rent the house themselves so they coordinated with a charity. I figure the charity pays for the venue, we supply the entertainment and the charity scoops up all the proceeds. Smart, but totally the opposite of classy.

Also, on the way there I was worried Meg and I were a touch under dressed. I showed up wearing my khaki suit with an open-collared, untucked shirt and sandals and Meg wore a lovely flowered sun dress (both of us looking like semi-casual/nice beach wear) and we were actually over dressed. Many of my colleagues from the shoot were actually wearing jeans and t-shirts. There were others that were dressy too, but we were definitely in the minority.

I don't know. Like I said I wasn't expecting anything too fancy, it was, afterall, a low low budget indie flick. I guess I was just hoping that we could all just take the night and make it important for us, even if it wasn't to anybody else.

Oh, and by the way, the film itself... well... um, the performances were great.
The effects are kinda muppet-ish, and the editing is jarring at times, and there are chunks that make no sense... but the acting was spot on. And I'm not just patting myself on the back, everybody did a great job. SHANNON and PHIL "DARYL RIDLE" really shine the brightest.

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