Monday, June 20, 2005

I hate to make fun of the dead, but...

Is it just me, or did THIS GUY share his name with a late-night, Cinemax soft-core flick.
I think I might have even seen this one.


To The Journals...

Last June a couple friends and I went to Vegas. I tend to write more when I'm travelling than any other time. On this particular trip I jotted down some quotes that grabbed me.

Keep in mind that most of these were said and/or recorded while we were drunk/sleep-deprived.

"That's bad Joey. That's evil coming out of your butt."
-Nick G, on farting

"I remember one of the drunkest times I've ever been drunk."
-Nick G on booze

"You have to glue the Legos on, stupid!"
-Nick G on how to build a life-size boat out of Legos and balsa wood

"Phone book! Phone Book! In The Air! On the Ground!"
-Nick drunk and throwing around the hotel room phone book and singing about it

"Mira, banana banana! Mira, banana banana!"
-Ryan and myself adding lyrics to the wicked drumming at the end of Prodigy's Firestarter

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