Thursday, June 02, 2005

Part V

...then I wrote...

Now, it seems important to mention that the escape plan here was
two-pronged. One prong of Princess Noel's two-pronged plan of escape
had FINALLY come to pass, so now it seemed she needed to work on the
slightly more important second prong. Prong one, of course, being the
actually freeing herself of the Witch's evil clutches, and prong two
being NOT getting eaten by a dragon. She previously thought that the
second prong was just silly paranoia, and needn't be bothered with,
but a princess in this day and age (especially one who is tied for the
title of fairest) can't be too careful, seeing as how they are a
dragon's favorite food.

So, prong two of Noel's carefully plotted escape now came into effect.
Being the highly trained and nimble ninja that she is, she managed to
cling to that dangly thingy at the back of the dragon's throat, rather
than be swallowed whole. Now, she pulled out the only other object she
managed to secret away from the tower bathroom: a bar of Ivory soap.
She jumped down onto the dragon's massive tongue and began to work up
a god lather. It seems appropriate here to mention that it's a little
known fact that dragon's are violently alergic to Ivory soap, but then
Noel had a knack for knowing little known facts.

Almost immediately the soap began to do the trick. The large pink slab
under Noel's feet began to heave and twitch. She could hear the low
rumblings in the back of the dragon's throat telling her that a sneeze
was imminent. Noel braced herself for what was bound to be a bumpy
ride. Just then something aweful occured to our plucky heroine. In her
plan she had two very good prongs indeed, but she was sadly lacking a
third, and equally important prong. As we aready discussed, prong one
was escaping the Witch, and prong two was to NOT get eaten by a
dragon. Having the soap handy accomplishes that one quite nicely, but
the third prong she was missing was what to do after being spat out in
mid flight over God-knows-where. She almost had time to say to herself
"Gotta think fast" but unfortunately the imminent sneeze became an
actual sneeze, neatly throwing her from the dragon's gullet and
cutting her thought off at "Gotta think--"


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