Thursday, December 02, 2004

I really don't hae much of interest to say tdoay, I just wanted to bump the sad post off the top. I just can't handle seeing it anymore


In lighter news, my comic seems to be going swimmingly. I have a whole little notebook loaded with ideas for future strips, but my executing them is so infrequent because of work.

On days when I work I feel so exhausted all I want to do is something brainless like watch some tv or a movie or something and pass out. My days off seem to see me much more productive.

OH, In case I didn't mention it yet (and I'm sure I didn't) I actually have a special thanks to send out there: Mr Brandon Becker, thank you, sir, for being the first and thus far only reader of WEASELS to drop me a nice little donation through PayPal.

If any of you like what you see on PayPal, please don't be shy. Tell me through an occasional donation, please. Especially if you'd like to see the quality and/or frequency improve.

Also, just clicking on my ads once or twice every visit would help too. I get paid for unique hits on those.

One day I hope to offer tshirts and whatnot, but not until my readership grows... A LOT.

In fact, that's another way you can show your appreciation: spread the word. Show people Weasels, get them to come see. The more unique ISP hits I get, the better.

And, yes, I am well aware that this entire post is all about shameless self-promotion. Just know, that this comics thing means a lot to me, and I would like to see it do well.

Also know that I won't make this a habit here. :-)

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