Lying Liars (Not Al Franken's Book)
When I was in London there was an altercation one morning between two of our housemates.
Two young men, Christian and Antti shared a room across the hall. Not lovers, just roommates. Separate beds.
One morning round about 8 am I was awakened by Christian saying in a loud and annoyed tone "It's f**king eight o'clock in the morning!" It woke me up, but I thought nothing of it and fell instantly back asleep. I say instantly because seconds later I was again awakened by Christian's voice, only this time it was a panicked scream of "F**K YOU!"
Then I heard some scuffling, their door open and slam and then running down the stairs and the front door slamming. A moment or two after that Christian came staggering into our room looking pale and frightened and breathing heavily. I noticed a bright red mark around his neck.
"Antti's tried to kill me."
Here's the whole story from Christian:
Antti had to get up earlier than Christian and was banging about in their room making a lot of noise while he ate breakfast. Christian rolled over and in a not-too-polite way pointed out the time and asked Antti to go eat in the common room. Antti did not take Christian's words too kindly and the two both got a little heated.
Somewhere in the midst of this Antti snapped.
Christian told us that Antti had grabbed him by the throat and was threatening him with scissors. Christian broke free, but Antti was between him and the door. Fearing for his life he screamed the F-YOU in hopes of drawing attention. Apparently, Antti understood that Christian had succeeded in drawing attention and fled the house.
Later that morning we got a similar story from Antti, only with the roles reversed. I was dumbfounded. It was clear that something had gone down between the two, but exactly what that was remained to be shown. I mean, I had known each guy about a week now, and liked them both a great deal, and now they are both telling opposite versions of the same incident.
Somebody was clearly a liar.
Which one to believe?
To be Continued...
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