Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My good friend, Mr Crohn, is experiencing his first year of fatherhood and isn't sleeping too much. Today on Gchat we had this conversation. Thought it was funny enough to share.

Josh: I need longer than 24 hour days.
1:39 PM That would make things easier.
me: yeah, don't we all
what planet in our solar system revolves slower? I know Mars goes ever so slightly slower right? like 40 minutes longer a day or something like that?
1:40 PM Josh: Yeah. I don't remember the amount.
me: lets all move there and build a big dome to live under while we spend a hundred generations terra-forming
Josh: Except that the construction process would be so grueling I'd be even farther behind on my sleep.
1:41 PM me: haha, you're assuming you'd be on the construction team
Josh: I figure.me: you've got a science degree, you'd be one of the guys supervising and drawing up designs
1:42 PM Josh: Yeah, but then I wouldn't trust the construction guys to get it right, so I'd have my fingers in it.
And then I'd be the one that screws it up and puts a small leak in the bubble dome.
And then we all slowly suffocate
And it would be all your fault for having a random idea.
1:44 PM Baby killer
Oh, there would have been babies in the dome too.
I forgot to mention that
shame on you
1:46 PM me: HAHA. do you mind if i post this conversation to my blog?
good stuff. needs to be shared
Josh: By all means.
me: credit will of course be given
Josh: Make me an "anonymous source"
Sounds more sinister and mysterious.
1:47 PM Who were you talking to? Prime Minister of Japan? Former Vice President Dick Cheney?
Your mom?
No one knows...

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