Monday, March 02, 2009

WTF just doesn't cover it this time. This time I gotta say WHAT THE FVCK!?!?


There is a video over to the right on the page.

How does that bloated sack of sh*t, Rush Limbaugh, still have a job?

The thing that makes me so terribly sad is all his blustering about hoping Obama will fail (which means we ALL fail) and airing of stupid sh*t like this "Magic Negro" song (which worse than racist, it's just plain badly written) does not seem to make him irrelevant! Why? Why is it that everyone that rallies around him doesn't collectively drop their jaws and slowly back away in horror? How do we not all agree that this man should now and forever more be ignored?

Like the guy at the other end of that link said, how does Imus get canned for making a "nappy" joke and this "magic negro" crap seems to be a big hit?


  1. He has a job for the same reason Howard Stern has a job. He gets people all riled up on one side or the other and that makes money. In the words of The Simpsons, "Just don't look. Just don't look."

  2. Fair enough, but that didn't seem to be the case for Mr. Imus. He pushed too far and made some ugly racist comments and lost his job. Why doesn't wishing Obama would fail and airing "magic negro" seem to be bad enough to do the same for Rush? As a country we seem to be selectively offended by racist crap.

    And on a tangential note: Howard Stern also moved to satellite radio a few years back. Now he can work uncensored, but now he has only a niche audience and lost the national stage, since his audience are only satellite subscribers. He's kind of become irrelevent. Remember in the 1990's and even early 2000's people were always talking about him and his antics. Now? I think this conversation is the first time I've heard his name in three years.

    And I don't "look" at Rush Limbaugh, but he's been nabbing lots of headlines lately, and I do "look" at those.

  3. Yup. People stopped looking at Howard Stern. The shock wore off and his popularity waned. Same thing will happen with Rush eventually. Right-wingers are pissed off that we elected a "commie" and left-wingers are pissed off that the right wingers can't seem to understand why we like him. Rush plays into that by getting his base all fired up and then everybody else gets angry with them.

    The inconsistency in offense at racism is probably mostly a function of audience. I get the impression that most of Rush's audience is like-minded and aren't really that offended by it. Even if some of them think it's in bad taste, they certainly aren't going to stop listening to his show. If there was any indication that Rush's actions would cause the network to lose audience or advertiser revenue, he would be dropped immediately. That was what happened with Imus. He had a much more mainstream audience. A significant portion of his audience WAS offended.

  4. Josh said: "...most of Rush's audience is like-minded and aren't really that offended by it."

    Exactly. That's what I was getting at. The fact that there are people like that in large enough numbers to support his show is the saddest part of the story.
