Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Dickon Moment

I am currently playing Dickon in a production of The Secret Garden. Going into it I was not exactly enthused. I have been sound designing for one specific children's theatre for three years now, and I think my frustrating experiences there have colored my view of theatre for youth in general. But I must admit, after a couple of weeks rehearsal, this is actually sizing up to be a pretty decent show. It's got some very fun moments, and some very interesting conventions, especially those that establish India in the very beginning of the play. You should come see it. Click HERE for info.

For those of you who don't know the story, it's mostly about two kids, Mary and Colin, living in an old country manor house in the backwaters of Britain around 1910 or so. They are both sort of pushed aside and forgotten by the adults, and as a result are not healthy emotionally or physically. They find a way into a locked garden on the manor grounds that becomes their own secret playground. With the help of an older boy, Dickon, they bring the garden, and themselves back to life. (insert "awe" here)

Yes, it's sappy. But it's cute and fun, so bugger off.

Dickon's schtick is that he is so in touch with nature that within the world of the play he can literally talk with animals. I actually have a couple conversations with a robin. Shut up, it's cute.

Today, I was having a lovely lunch sitting in the grass under a small tree in front of Tempe City Hall. I was enjoying some gala apple slices and throwing the bits of core out into the grass. Sometimes, I have an overactive imagination and scenes play out in my head. As I was throwing my refuse into the grass right in front of Tempe City Hall, I had one such scene run through my mind.

Lights up on Joey eating apple slices. Miscellaneous City Official Enters, polishes his shiny, gold badge. Joey throws a particularly large bit of food away from him. Misc City Official gasps, marches over to Joey in a huff.

Misc City Official: Excuse me! Young man! What do you think you're doing? You are littering in front of City Hall! Do you have any idea what the fine is for that?! Come with me!

Me: Relax. It's not littering. It's biodegradable. Besides, the birds will eat it and it will be gone in five minutes anyway...

Then the thought occured to me; would the birds eat it? Would birds eat apple cores? I actually didn't know, but it sounded reasonable.

As if to answer the question in my mind a family of small, brown birds swooped down from a tree nearby. They saw me sitting a little too close for comfort so they sort of hopped casually around the apple bits, as if to say what? there are apple bits here? Why, I hadn't noticed! All the while pretending not to be terribly alert to the six foot tall person-shaped thing nearby. I tried to sit as still as I could, and after a few moments they changed their tune. Well, I suppose... I mean, you're not going to...? Well, okay, but just one, I've got to watch that chickish figure, mating season is around the corner, you know!

Dickon lives.


"My Dickon Moment"? Goddammit Joey. You're like David Cross's character on Arrested Development.
Guillermo 03.18.06 - 3:01 am

... I have watched that show quite a lot, and I have no clue what you are talking about. How?
It was supposed to be a dorky homage to Scrubs, actually. The title of every episode begins with "My." Like My Big Brother, or My Screw Up.
Joey 03.18.06 - 11:29 am

Tee hee. Joey, just think of any homophones for the title "My Dicken Moment." You innocent little scamp.
Guillermo 03.19.06 - 7:46 pm

The episode with the tape-recorder!
How did i miss that?
Joey 03.20.06 - 1:35 am

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