Friday, August 05, 2005

Ah, Margarita Rocks, where the women are hot and the men are watching.

Last night the crew rolled up to M.R. and we all had a blast... Well, all except poor BenO. The bouncer wouldn't accept his ID because there was a crack in it. "It's the law" he said. "He's a dick" is what I said.

Once inside we proceeded to drink and dance it up, hard-core super-hero style. This is the second week in a row we have done this, but for some reason after this time all the muscles of my upper back and neck feel shredded to little bits. I'm guessing that I was dancing harder and/or longer than last time. Actuallly, I know we were dancing longer, because this time we got there just under an hour earlier than last time.

Once again, me and my boys were blessed to be at the club with all the hottest women in the joint. Seriously, I wake up every morning and thank whatever God you like that I was born under whatever star that made me gravitate towards the crew I have. Goddesses, every one.

And in fact, one of these lovely ladies set a new precedent at M.R. See, last night was a wet t-shirt contest, AND wet booty shorts contest. Apparently, no girl has ever won both prizes in the same night before. Not until last night, that is, when our own Virginia swept both competitions with her sexy, stripper style. Mmm!

My brother was there too. This Virginia is the very same girl that my brother told "U R Beautiful" to just last week in a text message (see Friday, July 29). Always one for some fun with the gents, she took him out on the dance floor more than a few times, and he even got to touch her "beautiful" ass a time or two.

Damn I'm a good brother. :-)

P.S. Yet again: GOOD TIMES!

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