I just have three simple things to say today:
1 Judge not lest ye be judged.
2 Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
3 WTF?
That is all.
Please, do not ask me what this post is about. If you don't already know, then this is irrelevent to you, and you shouldn't worry about it.
Thank you.
Joey 06.23.05 - 7:35 pm
I am without sin since I am catholic and we have a reset button
what kind of stone do you prefer that I throw?
mulk 06.23.05 - 7:55 pm
I am also without sin, since I operate outside the realm of religious law. And I throw stones indiscriminantly because:
a) some people deserve to be stoned
b) I am not qualified to make the distinction between who should and who shouldn't be stoned.
Josh 06.23.05 - 8:12 pm
I am without sin because I am a very boring person.
*throws a rock in joey's direction*
therealdavid 06.23.05 - 8:48 pm
this is true.
mulk 06.28.05 - 1:03 pm
What about the sin of bad fashion sense? Or the sin of being a miserly jew?
I'd put them stones down if I was you, D. :-)
Joey 06.29.05 - 5:55 am
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