Monday, February 21, 2005

Ladies & Gentlemen, I have swung the heavy bat.

I am currently in a run of a show that is THE most difficult thing I have ever done.

Saturday night we knocked it out of the park. It was the second night of the show that I am in, NORMAL HEART, and we blew everybody away.

By this performance the director had seen us go through this about a dozen times in a row, and he said we had him sobbing.

After the show he came running in all excited and this is what he had to say:

Ron: Okay, now I can tell you this without scaring the sh*t out of you. Every reviewer in Phoenix was here tonight.

He listed off four or five names, and sure enough, that was all of them.

So, this means that all the reviewers saw this show at its best possible level. Which means if they hate it, then they would've hated it anyway no matter what we did up there, and it's their problem. They could write all about how crappy it was, and I would not be phased at all. The knowledge that we rocked the house, and had half of them on their feet during curtain-call for that performance is enough for me to shrug it off.

But I'm kind of excited to read them anyway.

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