Monday, February 14, 2005

Dream from this morning

Note to reader: some weeks ago I mentioned Meg and I had a "friend" sleep over. For the purposes of this post I will call her... Eva

So Eva and I are out for the evening, and we come home real late to my dad's house (the house we lived in before he got remarried, on Kiowa St.) She gets into bed and falls fast asleep while I am telling my dad I'm home and I'm going to bed. I go back in my room and sit down on the bed, and lean down to kiss her goodnight on the forehead. The second my lips touch her she startles awake.

"My brother! Where's my little brother?" she asks in a panicked voice. In real life I don't even know if she has a brother, but in the dream I instantly knew she meant the little red-head kid I just knew was in the backyard.

"He's fine. He's just hanging out in the yard. Go back to sleep." I tried to tell her, but she was up and running to the backyard in only her bra and panties.

"No. Something's wrong. I know it. Something is wrong."

I followed her out to the backyard and when we get there sure enough, something was wrong. There were about two hundred kids just hanging out in the yard. They were all about fifteen years-old, and they were all perfectly quiet and well behaved. What was wrong was they just did not belong there in my yard. Two of them came up to Eva and I as sort of emmissarys, one guy and one girl.

I introduced myself and said. "Ok, look, you guys are all being really quiet, so I'm cool with you staying tonight, as long as you promise not to come back tomorrow or any other night."

This is where it spirals out of control. Fast.

The two that are talking to us get irate. As these two got angry a palpable wave of anger rolls through the whole lot of them. The two tell me they will come back any time they want. They ask "why should we leave?" The rest of the hundreds of them start to get restless and noisey.

"Fine, you won't make a deal with me? Then, I'm calling the cops." I started to head for the patio because I just knew there was a phone out there. The first phone I picked up was all staticky, and I could already hear voices on it. I said "hello?" a couple times and tried switching channels, but nothing worked. I looked to my left and there was another phone, so I tried it. This one got me a dial tone, but all I kept dialling was 991. I knew what I needed to dial, but I just couldn't seem to. Over and over. I kept getting more and more scared and stressed, and the kids kept getting louder and angrier, and all I can dial is 991!!

After a couple of minutes of messing with the phones I suddenly realize I lost Eva in the crowd somewhere. I look up and she is surrounded by a bunch of young thug boys, and she is still only wearing her bra and panties. I am just about to sprint over to her and start kicking some ass, but then I see one of them make a smug comment, and turn away from her to walk away, and she runs up behind him and de-pants him, and then puts up her fists with a look of intense anger.

She's fine.

I go back to trying to dial the cops.

An old man (mid-sixties aged) who is holding a disposable cigarrette lighter in his hand ( who I've never seen in real life, but in my dream I just knew he's my neighbor) comes up to me and tells me that "this has got to end." I tell him I'm trying to end it, but I can't dial it right on the phone. He walks past me towards the mob of fifteen year-olds, and I turn my back on the whole picture to try to better focus my attention on dialing.

After a moment I hear the old man say something in an attempt to get these kids to leave. Then I heard one young man bark something back sarcastic. Then I heard a gun shot. I just knew the old man was dead and one of the kids had shot him.

I whirled around and began running through the crowd looking for Eva.

.....before anything else happened my alarm went off in real life.

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