Sunday, February 29, 2004

Viva Las Vegas

Part 1

Fun trip, but long drive and no sleep, so this one is going to be short and sweet. More later.

So we got in around 10:30 Friday night, and I had been awake for the better part of two days straight, and just finished a 6 hour drive, so I was pretty freakin' beat. Meg had planned to meet with an internet friend of hers, so she took off for a bit while I hit the shower and ordered some room service.

After my wonderful shower I sat watching a little bit of the idiot box to unwind and I saw a show that ever so slightly renewed my faith in television (even if only a little).

The show is called The Best Week Ever and it's on VH1. In case you haven't seen it, it's basically all the major news and media events from the week that just ended analyzed with a running commentary by some damn funny people.

I'm sure we're all very aware of all the controversy over Mel Gibson's Guilt Flick, also known as The Passion Of The Christ. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this topic made the show that night. So, for tonight, I leave you with this tidbit:

"I think Mel has finally lost it. And by it, I mean the memo that Jews run Hollywood."

Rachel Harris
The Best Week Ever

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