I must apologize to you, my loyal readers, for yesterday I flagrantly lied to you. You may remember me saying something to the effect that.... OH HELL, just scroll down and read yesterday, I'm not only a liar but lazy.
So, anyway. I went back to Homestar immediately upon waking the next day and finished the last leg of the StrongBad Emails that we didn't manage to get through the previous night.
I'm sharing this with you because one of them had me fall out of my chair laughing for about ten minutes.
To see this cartoon; take the link below and scroll down to an email called "Anything" It's not too far down. But when you watch it, make sure to wait for a while after the paper comes down at the end. It's worth the wait.
Strong Bad
Jeeze, I hope Official Gurg's funny police don't find out about me illegally importing funny. If you care, please keep this on the DL. Think of the children. :(
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