Sunday, February 08, 2004

Hate to get political again, but that's all I seem to hear about in the news lately, so it's a big chunk of what I think about each day.

John Kerry is not the man I want for president, and now that I am pretty sure I'll have to chose between him and &$%# Bush, I'm pretty upset.

You see, when I finally got into paying attention to this whole race about a month ago, I had never heard of Kerry, but I made it my business to know at least something about all the other Democratic choices. Kerry came to my attention after succeeding in all these early polls and primaries and whatnot. So, I had to look into him too.

I did not like what I saw.

My main motivation in gettting involved is I want Bush out. And the main reasons I want Bush out, are the same reasons most people want him out:

1 The farce of a war on a country that we crippled 10 years ago. I read an interview with that Kay guy and he said, after extensive searching, even if we had lifted all the sanctions from the last war on Iraq TODAY, they would not be a serious threat for at least 5 more years. That's IF we lifted them, which we weren't about to do, by any means.

2 The DMCA and Patriot Acts that Bush supported that seriously limit my rights as a citizen in general.

3 His insistance on fighting state legislation, and threatening to make ammendments on gay marriage; an issue that hurts nobody. Even if you believe that gays are going to hell, they're still hurting nobody but themselves.

4 He has always come across, even from his early campaign days in the first election, as just an all around fucking moron.

Now, the biggest reasons are obviously 1 and 2. I just looked into Kerry and found out that as a senetor he supported them both.


Why should I vote for either of them? Answer: Kerry shows himself to be ever-so-slightly the lesser of two evils by supporting gay rights. So, begrudgingly, he gets my useless goddamn vote.

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