Sunday, March 29, 2009

Will Ferrell's Kid Hit Me In The Nuts

Okay, so I don't know if it was his kid or not, but he was there, and that makes for a much more interesting tagline than

One Time A Kid Hit Me In The Nuts While Will Ferrell Happened To Be In The Room

I took a second job working at a kids gym on weekends. We throw birthday parties and get the kids running around and playing games for about 2 hours. Will Ferrell was one of the adults at this afternoon's party.

He could have been a family friend, but I am pretty sure he was one of the parents of one of the 30 little monsters running around and screaming.

One such monster ran up while I was distracted by something else, and he got in a quick lucky shot before scampering off to rejoin the legion of howling germ factories in their reindeer games.

I am so exhausted right now. Today was only a two party day (approximately six hours of work) but usually there are three parties on sundays (8.5 hours). I can't imagine. Don't get me wrong, I love the job. It's tons of fun. but I am drained and ready for bed and it's only 7:15 PM.

...that's really the whole story. Not very long. Or interesting. Will Ferrell's presence was really the highlight.

...I had a mediocre massage afterward. No? Okay.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Ambam3:59 PM

    "One time, Will Ferrell watched as I was hit in the nuts by a small child." - It's telling a whole different story.
