THREE STOOGES MOVIE?!?!?! I'm excited.
I know, I know. It's probably going to suck, but I will probably love it anyway. When I was a kid I used to LOVE the Three Stooges marathons. They were second, in my heart, only to the Twilight Zone marathons, but it was a very close second.
I vividly remember waking up and nestling into the couch with a big bowl of Cap'n Crunch and giggling my little head off as Curly struggled with a rowdy bowl of clam chowder, or as Moe got irritated and knocked some heads around, or any of the many pie-flinging moments. Good times.
I remember my Dad loved them too. I seem to recall him telling me that his mom wouldn't let him watch Three Stooges as a kid. Back in the day the silly antics of the stooges was considered too violent. The baseline on that one has shifted considerably since then. For my dad, I think watching them as a grown-up with his own sons was a big deal. It's one of those things that grown-ups do as a sort of delayed-onset revenge for some imagined slight during their childhood.
Like the day you moved out of the house for college and you had ice cream for breakfast, just because you could.
...and the upset stomach and sluggishness you felt all day told you that your parents weren't as arbitrary in their rules as your child's mind suspected.
...what? Didn't we all do that one?
I was just talking about this with Granger. I have a problem with the casting of Benicio Del Toro and he has a problem with the casting of Sean Penn. Isn't life strange?