Rush Limbaugh age 8, circa 1959
For eight years we kept hearing the same tired song from the right-wing pundits. We heard it from Bill O'Reilly, from Sean Hannity, from Ann Coulter, and from Rush Limbaugh.
Ragging on the president is un-American! Even if you don't like him and didn't vote for him, you need to stand up and support him and blah blah blah blah!!!
Depending on which sycophant you were listening to, they might also call you "traitor" or "treasonous" or "cowardly."
As soon as the White House switched teams, what does Rush Limbaugh say in THE FIRST TWO DAYS of the new administration?
"I hope he fails."
Now, specifically he's saying that he hopes that all the changes that Obama wants to make fail, or at least that is the defense that he and/or his fans are ALREADY offering up for his comments. Rush's sub-sycophants are already claiming that we're taking it out of context. He's just saying he wants Obama's administration to fail because he didn't vote for Barack or his idealogies, and if Obama does fail, then the Republicans can sweep right back in in 2012. That is what he meant, apparently.
Firstly, I saw a video of Rush talking about it. It's not out of context. Watch it HERE
Jump to about 5 minutes in to see the failure talk.
Problem is WE CAN'T AFFORD FOR HIM TO FAIL. We as a country are already failing. If his administration fails, we all fail. We don't have four more years to dick around so Rush Limbaugh can come back out and play. He didn't like how the other kids were playing, so he said "screw you guys, I'm going home."
Rush wants to talk about liberals killing babies, but with millions of jobs disappearing how well do you think the babies already alive will fare? ENTIRE families will end up on the street in the next years, babies and all. And you hope he fails?! You claim you are the party of life, but you seem to be rooting for a lot of misfortune to befall all of us.
You can bet your ass for the last eight years I was definitely rooting for Bush. Seriously, I kept hoping for something to come out of his sleeve to fix ANY of the messes he caused. You really have to give it to Bush in one department; consistency. He consistently disappointed. But because I had no choice, I NEVER STOPPED wanting him to succeed, but he alluded victory with a masterful stealth and a lack of eloquence that America has never seen.
So, yeah, maybe you didn't vote for Barack Obama, but he MUST not fail. If even for selfish reasons, even Republicans need him to succeed. Maybe not Rush Limbaugh specifically. I suppose that economically he's probably pretty recession-proof. He's been a prominent media figure for something like twenty years now. Not to mention he could probably stand to miss a meal or two, so even with some metaphorical "belt tightening" he'd do just fine.
But I wouldn't, and you probably wouldn't. So, Mr Limbaugh, the election results tell me that I speak for a majority of Americans when I say with gusto:
Go fvck yourself!
"If he gets... Nationalized Healthcare... I mean, it's over Sean, we're never gonna roll that back. That's the end of America as we have known it, because that then is going to set the stage for everything being government owned, operated, or provided. Why would I want that to succeed!?"
I have to bring us back around to recent posts about the crazy fear of socialism. Does anyone really think that is going to happen? I mean, yes, National Healthcare will definitely be a huge change to our country, and likely something that we won't be able to undo... but not in the way he means.
He's impying we're going to end up soviet Russia with heating oil shortages and bread lines.
.....seriously!? Are there really people out there that think that nationalizing healthcare is like some sort of legistlative gateway drug? Is it the marijuana of government programs, and full on communism is like black tar heroine, just a few steps away? I mean, hell, nobody even believes that crap about actual drugs anymore.
Rather than repeat myself, and re-satire that whole moronic idea, I will just suggest you read my post from MONDAY NOVEMBER 3RD 2008 THE LAST WORD
What I find amusing about these conservative talking heads is that when you point out other countries with national healthcare or gay marriage, countries that are our allies and have supported the disastrous US foreign policy decisions in the last eight years, the response is usually "But who wants to be [insert country name here]." I've said it before: the US has allowed itself to become socially marginalized compared to other Western nations.
ReplyDeletein Rush's defense he's probably REALLY high. *eye roll*