Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Take the link to a story about the asinine amount of money spent over the last 60 days on Sarah Palin's wardrobe, hair and makeup.

Or just read here and learn that it's over $150,000

The thing that REALLY cracks my sh*t up the most is you've already got right-wingers running interference and saying that this isn't important enough and we're ridiculous to talk about it, because it's just not a news-worthy story.


Would you say it's more or less ridiculous than CONSTANTLY harping on the random coincidence that Obama's middle name happens to be Saddam's last name?

Would you say it's more or less ridiculous than the huge fallout when Obama stopped wearing his little flag lapel pin last year?

Would you say it's more or less ridiculous than the accusations of sexism when Obama made a reference to that old saying about putting "lipstick on a pig" ?

You people will dress up any old piece of trash you can distort or even outright fabricate and call it news, and you make a stink about this?

But, more importantly, here's why this IS a news-worthy issue:

McCain picks this simpleton as his running mate and continually tries to sell her to me as though she is a down-to-earth woman-of-the-people, Jane-Q-Public type, and then their party spends an absolutely idiotic amount of money on dressing her up since AUGUST. That bears repeating folks: they spent more than $150,000 in less than two months on wardrobe for one woman. What is this, a Hollywood movie set or an election race?

They would have us believe that they can identify with people like this "Joe The Plumber" and with you and you and me. They try so hard to convince us that they know our plight, that they feel our pain. How can we possibly take her seriously when she spent more money on clothes these last several weeks than I have seen in the last several years COMBINED. I could live comfortably for FIVE YEARS on that money, and probably even manage a couple nice vacations in their too. But I don't get that kind of help, I don't get to take nice vacations because I AM John Q. Public, and I don't have the RNC going to bat for me, like Palin's pampered ass does.

THAT is why this is important. THAT is why this is a real issue.

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