EDIT Update at bottom of post. EDIT
It's amazing how one can be surrounded and yet feel totally alone.
It could be that I only slept five hours last night, or it could be that I'm still a little sick but today sucks. This was supposed to be my day, and I shat all over it.
The day started off nice enough, a touch uninventive, but nice. We went out to a nice lunch and it was decided that we would spend the day in accents. I was scottish and the girls were english. I'm pretty sure we had the host and waitstaff snowed that we were from the UK. Good times.
Then we saw the new Willy Wonka remake. Loved it. My only tiny tiny gripes are A) the oompa loompa songs were so busy it was difficult to make out Roald Dahl's lyrics and B) we didn't need to see the other children safely leaving the factory at the end, I liked it better in the earlier version when we never knew what happened to them. Besides that, it felt like a deleted scene that accidentally got left in. 4.5 out of 5
After that the girls mentioned a small "gap" in their plans. A five hour gap. Five hours? This hurt my feelings a little, and was a touch disappointing. I mean, yes, they had to change plans to adjust for my illness, but it just didn't feel the same having to pick from a list of suggestions. I was hoping to be whisked from one thing to the next like we planned for Meg. At this point my mood soured and no matter how many ideas they came up with I hated them all.
The point here is I took what should have been a little disappointment and let it ruin my whole outlook for the day. I turned a little turbulence into a tailspin. This is the one day of the week that all three of us have free to hang out together ALL DAY and I blew it. At this point Meg has taken a nap on the couch while Noel reads in the bedroom, leaving me all alone to mope on my f*cking blog.
Who can blame them? I certainly don't.
After reading over this post again it occurs to me that some of you may be a touch confused.
A couple weeks ago Meg was having a bad week. She was sick and stressed about her show and having a rough time at her job. To cheer her up we had "Meg Day." It was a whole day planned out by Noel and myself of fun and adventure for Meg. So, in return the girls turned it around on me and made yesterday "Joey Day" but I was still recovering from strep, so the great day of active outdoorsy-ness they had engineered went on hold for another time and they had to enact a last minute Plan B. What you read is that Plan B.
It was sort of decided without discussion that we will cycle back through. Meaning next time is Noel day, then Meg day, then Joey day, etc. etc. I can't wait to see my Plan A Day eventually.
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