Sunday, March 27, 2005

The RIGHT Wing is such a misnomer

What the hell is wrong with you people? You uptight pricks and your fantasies of a totalitarian theocracy.

I saw a car the other day that was plastered with the usual litany of pro-republican crap masquerading as pro-american crap, such as:

W '04"

Support The Troops" (on the little red, white and blue ribbon)

Flush The Johns '04"

But there was one that boggled my mind so terribly that I couldn't stop thinking about it for hours. It looked just like this:


WTF?!?!?! Where in the DNC 's platform does it mention that we are pro-laziness, pro-failure, and pro-misery? Is that our platform now? Did it change, and nobody told me? Because if they did, then I'm going to start my own party and call it the
f**k-all-democrats-AND-republicans party.

Work? Yeah, I know every time I hear some blue collar John Q Public talking about his job and how hard he works to bring home a living for himself and his family it just makes me sick, I tells ya! I mean, come on! You're making us lazy left-wingers look bad!

Succeed? I can't tell you how angry I get whenever I read those news stories about self-made millionaires who WORKED (blech) their tail off for every penny and are now living it up. Those people just chafe my ass.

Be happy?
F**K YOU, BOBBY MCFERRIN! Everyone should be miserable! That Grinch guy had it right BEFORE his stupid little heart broke the little scale.BOO! on happy! BOO! HISS!

All sarcasm aside, I kind of always thought that the first two were something both parties agreed on, but it was that tricky little "
be happy" part that was what came between us. I always thought the Democrats were the happier bunch. I mean, we're not so uptight, we seem to enjoy life more in general. We are the hippies and the hippy left-overs that enjoy sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Their the ones who think just thinking about a sinful act is enough to damn you to hell. How much fun can you have living like that?

I can sum up my general feelings here in the three simple letters I already used above. I think that said it all quite well.

W T F?

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