Tuesday, February 08, 2005

So, I went into a new store last night. A store that I knew I kind of liked from their catalogue, but I had no idea how much I liked it until now.


Holy crap. That place has some of the coolest furniture. And as all the jokes about it go, yes, some of it is flimsy crap. BUT, some of it, a lot of it, is not. Some of it is really good stuff.

What amazes me too is that they have something for every kind of taste out there. I tend to like tacky stuff. The tackier the better for me. I like odd shapes and color schemes that were popular in the sixties and seventies. They have 'em. But they also have very tasteful, classic things, and sharp, clean, modern looking things. And zany, bright things for children's rooms, etc etc.

I love this store. And I love how they target both markets equally. Meaning they have their affordable things and their rediculously over-priced, rape-you-through-your-wallet things right next to each other throughout the store.

Clever girl, that IKEA.


Saturday night I went out for a few beers with my cousins. WHile waiting in line to pee in the bathroom I had the following exchange with a complete stranger. For our purposes we shall call him Frank.

Frank: (making brief eye-contact with Joey as Joey walks into the crowded men's room) Don't worry, man, I had the same question when I walked in.

Joey: ...I didn'tsay anything.

Frank: You didn't have to, your eyes said it; "where do I stand?"

Joey: (laughing) Maybe I did.

Frank: (his turn arrives, begins to relieve himself) Ooooooh, man! I'm peeing for days over here.

Joey: Beer will do that to you. She'll take you out, show you a good time, make you feel special, and then BAM! Once she's got what she wants, first chance, she'll leave you.
She's a fickle mistress, Lady Beer.

Maybe you had to be there, but Frank and I thought it was pretty damn funny.

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