It is still a work in progress, but take the link above to visit my brand-spanking new website for my fitness business.
In the days to come we will be adding a daily fitness blog, a testimonials page, a BIO page, a videos page, and a contact page that will include real world contact info and links to the blog and the TWITTER ACCOUNT.
I know what you're thinking. Like many of us, you are still skeptical of Twitter. I was too, until I realized the commercial potential. I can disperse tiny fitness/nutrition tips daily for free with little-to-no cost or effort. They are short and sweet, easy to digest, and hopefully just go towards furthering my reputation and reknown as a trainer. The twitter profile links to my main website, so if I pick up even a few clients from this effort, it's worth it.
As a reader on Twitter, I have no interest in reading an average person's day-to-day tweets. "Doing crossword puzzles" or "going to bed now" doesn't interest me one bit, but there are some great news organizations/intellectuals/magazines that post several interesting and useful pieces of info and links per day.
There is a giant conversation going on, and for most of us, listening is where Twitter shines through. Read THIS ARTICLE for more. He says what I'm saying, much more eloquently and persuasively.
well done on getting this all started! It looks really clean and professional!