Sunday, December 21, 2008

Creepy Veepy

“If he wants to diminish the office of vice president, that’s obviously his call"

-- Dick Cheney on Joe Biden's remarks. Read full article HERE

The Vice President isn't supposed to have any power, you megalomaniacal jackass!

According to the laws set up by our brilliant founding fathers, the Vice President does the following and ONLY the following:

1 Takes up the mantle of The Presidency ONLY in the event the sitting president is killed or otherwise incapacitated.

2 Casts a vote in the senate ONLY in the event of a tie.

Other than that they play a large diplomatic role, but they wield no power, or they shouldn't anyway. I hope Mr. Cheney's attempts at reinventing the office do not become precedent.

Here's one more blurb from the above linked article:

"And he said the president “doesn’t have to check with anybody” — not Congress, not the courts — before launching a nuclear attack to defend the nation “because of the nature of the world we live in” since the terrorist strikes of Sept. 11, 2001. "

That sounds an awful lot like another famous politician...

"If the president does it, it isn't illegal."

--Richard Nixon, in a famous interview with David Frost.

Like with Nixon in the past, Cheney doesn't seem to be a fan of that whole silly "checks and balances" nonsense.

I know drawing historical parallels is something the right wingers usually emply (it's usually a nazi reference from them) and I know it's not an extremely useful thing to say, but when comparing attitudes towards the use of power, Cheney and Nixon have too much in common for my comfort.

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